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Press Release: BPi Enables Bakersfield, California Apartments To Offset Energy Use By 81% And Increase Property Value By Over $1 Million

Another Renewable Energy Project Powered by BPi

February 28, 2023, Napa, CA: BPi announced the completion of a 148.58 kW (DC) solar structure energy system for one of DRE Properties, LLC, Sablewood Gardens, located at 2600 Sablewood Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93314. BPi designed, engineered, and installed this renewable energy solar structure system. The average solar energy production of 236,300 kWh/Year will have a 81% energy offset for any energy used by tenants, amenities, common areas and other essential electrical loads used. This energy system offers an innovative solution for the property owners at DRE Properties, LLC to diversify what this property can produce.

Features and benefits of this PV System includes:

  • Energy System: Solar Structures
  • System Size:58 kW (DC)
  • Energy Offset: 81%
  • Energy Production: 236,300 kWh/Year
  • Years To Payoff: 3 Year
  • Increase To NOI: $61,386/year
  • Tax Credits & Depreciation: $328,452
  • Increased Property Value: $1,023,100
  • Lifetime Savings: $4,841,058

System substantially completed, grid interconnected, and producing energy on August 14, 2020. For more information on rooftop solar, solar structures and all additional renewable energy solutions, please visit BPi’s website, or contact BPi by email,

About BPi: BPi is a full-service energy contractor that equips properties with renewable energy systems and provides the general contracting services to manage it all. BPi’s turn-key solutions unlock untapped potential through creating energy solutions for entities of any size and type. Delivered and maintained nationwide.